The pig farm began in February 1999 with three sows and one boa (large white). Thus far, over 2,000 have been sold and approximately 750 are currently on the farm. KNUST meat science department and Santino Meat Processing Industry patronize most of our pigs due to their high quality lean meat produced. Farmers and KNUST usually buy the breeding stock from our farm. Our pigs feed on crop residue and their droppings are used to partly feed fish. The liquid waste from pen washing is used to irrigate crops.
In 1990 the farm started with 5 goats, one of them male. Since then, 40 have been sold and 20 are on the farm. The goats are intensively confined. During 1999 there were approximately 1,000 goats on the farm but are sold out as the number approaches 1,200.
One hundred broilers were bred for the first time in 1993 and the proceeds were used to raise 500 layers. With good management, a little over 2,500 birds are currently kept and our customers come from as far as Cape Coast in addition to consumers from the Kumasi metropolis.
Broilers are raised on request and most request are made for festive seasons. Nonetheless, approximately 500 birds are normally kept and sold to hotels and restaurants. The chicken droppings are harvested and fed to the fish. Additionally, the bird’s offal and other waste are used as feed for the fish and pigs as well as organic fertilizer.
In 1993, six turkey eggs were given to local fowls for natural incubation and four were successfully hatched. In subsequent years, the number of turkeys increased to 38 and were sold, the proceeds were used to purchase day-old broiler chicks. Following a short break, the turkey farm resumed in 1999. Over150 birds have been sold leaving 20 that are being reared.
In 2000, the farm started with six ducks under the semi-intensive system. Over 400 have been sold and 60 are currently in captivity. We harvest water from our roofs to fill the ducks’ ponds. Soiled water from the ponds outlets is used to irrigate the citrus plantation.
From the inception of the ostrich farm, we bred two females and one male. We currently stock the farm with thirty-four ostriches. The feathers that drop are grouped and used for decorative pieces and likewise the empty eggshells. The bird is skinned after slaughtering, preserved with salt and dehydrated for export. Ostrich steak is very delicious and fat free.