
Anwomaso / Domeabra, Ghana
0244537144 / 0274609122 / 0209276506

Student Training

Key Benefits

  • Each year, Kumah Farms undertakes to train an average of 30 students for their attachment programs. Most of the students are drawn from agricultural colleges, farm institutes, polytechnics and the public universities nationwide and from around the world.

Our Donations

Hand-Dug Wells, Farm Produce and Farm Inputs:

Key Benefits

  • Responding to the cries of acute water shortage, Kumah Farms has thus far helped to sink 2 hand-dug wells at Anwomaso and Kwadaso Agricultural College.

  • Kumah Farms is a frequent donor of farm produce to the Kumasi Children’s Home.

  • Kumasi metropolis farmers have enjoyed a good supply of budding seedlings, quality planting materials, improved breeding stock and fingerlings at affordable prices to farmers.


Study Visits

The farm receives a large number of local and international visitors all year round.

Key Benefits

  • Most study visits are government institutions, international research centers such as IWMI, local and international schools and colleges, farmer groups and individuals.

Our Jobs

Kumah Farms has employed over 50 permanent people, mostly youth from various communities.

Key Benefits

  • Kumah Farms often employ casual laborers. Additionally, several family members also help on the farm for their livelihood.

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